Trump wants a debate with Biden who remains unresponsive.

    Trump debates Biden

    Trump is eager to debate with Biden, but the aging president is silent on the matter.

    As the next presidential election approaches, former President Trump assumes victory in the Republican nomination, leading in polls. However, the nomination race and the overall presidential race are still ongoing. The first presidential debate is set for September 16th at Texas State University.

    In June, Trump laid the groundwork for a debate with Biden, but there are doubts about his willingness to participate, given his absence from Republican debates. Instead, he opts for media-driven rallies strategically located to maintain a distance that avoids legal issues and diminishes rival draws.


    Efforts by multiple organizations to inquire about debates with the Biden campaign have been met with silence. This lack of transparency raises questions about Americans’ confidence in their sitting president and casts doubt on the plans he has for the future. The prevailing sentiment is that Biden’s election was driven by the fear of another four years of Trump, with voters casting their ballots more against Trump than for Biden.

    The narrative portrayed Trump as a racist, hate-filled, and rude figure who was deemed unfit for the presidency and accused of failing the country. Contrary to this narrative, many argue that the country prospered under Trump’s leadership, with a thriving economy, an excellent American way of life, and citizens having disposable income.

    In the 2020 election, reports of voter harassment and intimidation surfaced, but for most Americans, these experiences were not reflective of their voting experiences. Despite limited incidents, the mainstream media’s narrative focused on “racially corrupt” lines in rural or highly minority polls, influencing public perception. As a result, more votes against Trump were emphasized in media coverage than those for Biden.

    The Libertarians saw a historically high turnout for a third-party candidate on election night, signaling dissatisfaction with the anti-Trump campaign. While their impact did not significantly affect poll results, it demonstrated the effectiveness of the campaign against Trump. The narrative that the White House was “stolen” and allegations of election theft have been linked to corruption, prompting a refusal to comment on debating Trump to preserve a surprise element.

    A senior Trump aide expresses eagerness for a debate with Biden, raising the question of whether Biden will participate. Meanwhile, Biden’s 2020 deputy campaign manager, Kate Bedingfield, sees Biden’s silence as a strategic decision to understand the opponent before committing to debates. Bedingfield argues that confirmation or denial of attendance is unnecessary at this stage.

    However, other Trump supporters, including GOP strategist Mark R. Weaver, are skeptical. Weaver believes Trump will debate it, speculating that Biden will avoid it and make excuses such as Trump’s past denial of election results or potential legal issues. Regardless of the excuse, Weaver anticipates that Biden will find a way to exploit the situation.

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