Legal analysts suggest that Trevian Kutti, linked to Trump, may face imprisonment due to her menacing statements.

    Trevian Kutti
    Trevian Kutti: Fulton County Jail

    The Fulton County District Attorney’s office is considering pursuing jail time for Chicago publicist Trevian Kutti after she posted an Instagram Live video that seems to target Ruby Freeman, a former Fulton poll worker central to Georgia’s election subversion case. Legal experts suggest that Kutti’s remarks may amount to witness intimidation, violating the terms of her bond agreement. Kutti, indicted on three felony counts related to Freeman’s harassment, is one of the remaining defendants in Fulton’s election interference case involving former President Donald Trump.

    Kutti‘s video, recorded last week, hints at Freeman: “There’s a woman sitting somewhere who knows that I’m going to (expletive) her whole life up when this is done.” Although Kutti doesn’t mention Freeman by name, she alludes to their previous conversation in a police station, parts of which were captured on body cam footage. The video also references “your mama’s fingerprints,” likely referring to Freeman’s daughter, Shaye Moss, who was a poll worker.

    In response to potential legal actions, Steve Greenberg, Kutti’s attorney, argues that interpreting the Instagram video as a threat is an attempt to fit a round peg into a square hole, asserting Kutti’s First Amendment right to comment.


    The decision to pursue jail time or modify Kutti’s bond agreement rests with Fulton DA Fani Willis, who recently sought to revoke the bond of co-defendant Harrison Floyd for making comments on social media and in podcasts that posed a “significant risk of intimidating witnesses.” While the judge ruled that Floyd’s technical bond violations didn’t warrant jail time, Kutti’s remarks may be viewed differently.

    Legal analysts suggest that Kutti’s comments violate her bond agreement, especially considering her mention of Freeman and details about the case. Other comments in the video, such as Kutti referring to Trump’s political base as a “militia,” could be seen as suggestive of violence and armed conflict.

    Kutti made the Instagram remarks as part of a fundraising effort for her legal defense. Similar to Trump and Floyd, she aims to use social media to shape public opinion and raise awareness about her case. However, her fundraising efforts have seen limited success compared to other defendants.

    The video is seen as part of a new defense strategy, seeking public support and framing the legal battle in the court of public opinion. Pines, a former prosecutor, questions Kutti’s First Amendment defense, given the restrictions she accepted in her bond agreement. Prosecutors may monitor her statements for potential use in the trial.

    Kutti’s involvement in speaking with Freeman was allegedly orchestrated by Floyd, aiming to produce a false confession from Freeman. Despite investigations from the FBI, GBI, and Georgia Secretary of State finding no wrongdoing by Freeman, Kutti’s role in the case remains a subject of legal scrutiny.

    The Instagram Live video by Chicago publicist Trevian Kutti targeting Ruby Freeman, a key figure in Georgia’s election subversion case, has sparked legal scrutiny. The remarks, deemed potentially threatening, may violate Kutti’s bond agreement, leading to possible jail time. As the Fulton County District Attorney’s office weighs its options, legal experts emphasize the seriousness of witness intimidation allegations. Kutti’s attempt to leverage social media for her defense fund echoes a growing trend among defendants. The broader implications underscore the intersection of free speech rights, social media dynamics, and legal consequences, creating a complex landscape in the ongoing legal saga surrounding Georgia’s election integrity.

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